The National Stationery Show, that is! I've been furiously busy the past ... oh, forever it seems like! ... designing, producing, and prepping our new product lines to get them ready for their big debut at the show. And of course, designing the booth, which is super fun but a bit nuts - lots of visits to the hardware store and art supply store!
I'm debuting several new items at the show - new letterpress cards, a pocket journal set, coasters, some notecard sets AND a new watercolor calendar in both wall and desk versions. Whew! Producing journals and coasters was a new (slightly nerve-wracking) experience for me, and I'm just thrilled with how everything came out.
After the show dust settles, I'll be working on some updates to our website.
If you'd like a heads-up when these items land in the shop, sign up for our email list on the site.
*Thanks to Carina at Crow & Canary for the pic of our promo postcard, top.